A downloadable Dungeon for Windows and macOS

Note: The game has a bug where the it tends to freeze during the third encounter. Darn. I could have sworn I fixed that.

May either fix the game (again) or recreate a new non-broken version of it one day. Stay tuned.

Why am I leaving the page up, you might ask?... Good question.

A text-based game where you fight through a dungeon, as indicated by its title which is not only made of text but also containing of the word "dungeon."

As aforementioned, you will fight against many foes through effective timing of your attacking, defending, item usage, and not fleeing. Seriously, to flee from any and all battles in this game does literally nothing and triggers no extra dialogue!

Anyway, here are some handy tips:

  • Music can be muted with the "s" key.
  • You can scroll back in the text logs by clicking and dragging. Useful if you aren't a professional speed reader.
  • An enemy's interest in the battle at hand increases as the battle goes on, except on turns when you're defending. (Defending is boring!)
  • My previous statement about the uselessness of fleeing was 2/5 a lie. (That makes it 3/5 truth, which makes me 3/5 not a liar.)
  • Pressing escape closes the game instantly.

This game was to be a submission to the DOS Game Jam but was finished months late. Oh well.


Dungeon_Mac.app.zip 37 MB
Dungeon_Windows_32.zip 25 MB
Dungeon_Windows_64.zip 28 MB


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By the way, the game is secretly called “Compat Dungeon” but that’s a secret.